I have a bit of a collection of articles about singing. It's so good to see my feelings validated like this. If it's hard to read this infographic, you can click here to open and download a pdf version. Also, you can go to the page on the Choral Canada website to read more. https://www.choralcanada.org/en/benefits-of-singing
You don't have to be in a choir and you don't have to be a "good" singer. Just sing with others, together, and you get most of these benefits. And, even singing by yourself is good for you. Humming is good, listening to music is good, and even remembering a song in your head is good.
At Trinity, we have lots of ways we can sing together. On Sunday mornings, there's always a lot of singing, starting at 9:30 with Choir rehearsal, and then all through the church service, in the choir or in the pews. On Tuesday mornings, there's Praise Team. On Thursday evenings, we have Sing-along Café. I'm thinking about daytime Sing-along Cafés. We need more singing.

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