So, we're not meeting because of all that snow and the wind blowing it around, but we can still share some songs. Robin says she's thinking of watching Moana. Great idea! Watch a movie with lots of good music, some nice Disney animation with singable tunes and palm trees beaches and ocean. Wonderful escapism for a snow day!
Our theme is Black History Month, and we were planning to continue with that for the rest of February, and for today we wanted to be sure to sing some love songs too, since tomorrow is Valentine's Day.
We already mentioned last week that some of the heavy, serious music was made by artists we know by their love songs. So, we can stay in our theme.
Here's some suggestions for songs you can listen to. Love songs are in bold:
- Marvin Gaye: What's Goin' On and Mercy Mercy Me, and Ain't No Mountain High Enough and How Sweet it is to be Loved by You
- Beyoncé: If I Were a Boy, and Halo
- Temptations: Ball of Confusion, and Get Ready and Just My Imagination and The Way You do the Things You Do
- The Commodores: Jesus is Love, and Nightshift, and Still
- Lionel Ritchie: Say You Say Me, and All Night Long, and Endless Love
- Billy Ocean: One World, and Suddenly
- Michael Jackson: Black and White and Man in the Mirror, and Rock With You
- Donna Summer: Stop Look and Listen and Unconditional Love, and Last Dance
- Honorable mention: Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder: Ebony and Ivory.
Here's the link to my Black History Month Apple Playlist
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